Sit or Stand? Why Sitting May Still Be Best

sit or stand

By now, you’ve probably heard that too much sitting isn’t good for you.

Right or wrong?  Sitting or standing?  We still find ourselves sitting the majority of our day. Because of this, I’ve seen a significant increase in the push to get employees out of their chairs and onto their feet. While I applaud the concept. I’m not convinced that standing is the answer. Consider the following risks of standing, and then ask yourself…does the risk of occupational sitting really outweigh the risk of standing? To sit or stand?

  1. Stroke or Heart Attack. In the case of a sudden stroke or heart attack at work, sitting at your desk means you are closer to the ground. Therefore, you won’t bump your head as hard when you go unconscious.
  2. Fire. You will be two steps ahead of your coworkers. Remember that smoke rises, so it’s safer to be closer to the ground. Skip the first two steps (stop and drop), and roll right out of your chair for a better chance of survival.
  3. Brain Function. The air is thinner at altitude, so working from your chair will make it easier to breathe and supply your brain with more oxygen, making you smarter than your standing coworkers.
  4. Time Management. Sitting at your desk is a time-management strategy that should be praised. Not only are you getting your work done, but you are also in training for your next binge-watching marathon on Netflix. You are basically getting paid to practice sitting through 6 episodes of ‘The Crown.’
  5. Money. You will burn fewer calories sitting all day. This means you won’t have to buy as much food and save money on your grocery bill.
  6. The Planet. Your shoes don’t wear out as fast since you won’t be on your feet all day. This means you won’t have to throw your worn-out shoes in landfills. Mother Nature will thank you if you stay seated.

“sitting more and moving less at your desk has significant benefits”…

-said no kinesiologist ever

In all seriousness, the answer isn’t just: Sit or Stand. The answer is Movement. Most importantly, move through different active sitting positions.  Moreover, try not to stay seated or standing in the same position for too long. Similarly, even transitioning just 2 hours of your workday into other positions can have a significant positive impact on weight, chronic disease, and morbidity.

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